Virtual Integrates Web3 Casino DedPRZ

The Virtual Engine enters crypto casinos through CoinFlip

Virtual Labs unlocked a new game for the ongoing Virtual Wallet Beta Testnet: the DedPRZ Coin Flip! In collaboration with Manta Network, launching DedPRZ’ CoinFlip enables more ways to earn Virtual Points. Choose your wager, pick heads or tails, and flip, again, and again, and again.

Source: Virtual Labs

Why DedPRZ?

We first began discussing an integration with DedPRZ in 2023, so this launch is a long time in the making. DedPRZ is a leading Crypto Sportsbook and Web3 Casino platform. They’re at the cutting edge of blockchain gaming, offering a wide range of igaming products, including various slots games, Texas Hold’em, blackjack, roulette, and other casino games. DedPRZ also recently launched their $USA token, allowing users to earn a 10x bonus in their casino when they play with the $USA token.

DedPRZ is the second game to join the collaborative Virtual Wallet Beta Testnet. Both DedPRZ CoinFlip and CoChilli binary options formerly required multiple MetaMask interactions, minutes of waiting, and painful gas fees; now with the Virtual Engine, players only need to interact with MetaMask to start and end their session on DedPRZ and CoChilli. Best of all, the Virtual Engine completely eliminates in-game gas fees and latency. Thus, ZeroGas. This is the seamless experience Web3 gamers are looking for! Try it yourself.

Even though CoinFlip is not the most sophisticated decentralized game, DedPRZ is a phenomenal partner because they open a new world of future Web3 casino game launches. CoinFlip is just the first of many DedPRZ and Web3 casino games that will be powered by the Virtual Engine, offering ZeroGas and a frictionless user experience. iGaming and Web3 casinos in general are exploding in popularity, so we are excited to take this first step towards working with larger, existing igaming platforms. Web3 casinos regularly offer 10+ unique games, all of which usually require costly gas fees and slow wait times. As more and more casinos integrate the Virtual Engine, Web3 casinos will be able to offer fully decentralized games without sacrificing an elite user experience. 

How to earn Virtual Points from CoinFlip

Virtual Points are a central aspect of the Beta Testnet, including the DedPRZ CoinFlip. Players will earn 10,000 Virtual Points for every coin flip they make for this first week only! If a player gets 5 correct coin flips in a row, they will earn an extra 50,000 Virtual Points on the 5th flip. That’s 100,000 Virtual Points! Your Virtual Point balance will update immediately in your Virtual Wallet. Users are still able to earn Virtual Points by playing CoChilli and referring their friends, and now there is the additional option of playing DedPRZ!

Remember that these 2x Coinflip rewards only last until next Tuesday, so make sure to go play now!

What’s Next?

Thank you for being a part of the Virtual community. 2024 is off to a rocking start, and we have so much more in store including our mainnet launch, more partnerships, more developments, and more ways to earn Virtual Points. Let's Streamline Web3 UX through ZK State Channels together!